Travelling from Stuttgart Airport (STR) to Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF): what you need to know
Expect to be in the air for 2 hours 5 minutes. That's the average duration of a direct flight from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport. Stuttgart and Lamezia Terme have the same timezone (UTC+1).
You can choose from 2 weekly flights from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport. The 11:50 departure with Eurowings is the earliest flight you can take from STR to SUF. Eurowings operates the latest service of the day at 21:00 if early mornings aren't your thing.
During popular months like June, it's best to get to the airport well in advance. Arrive two hours before domestic departures and four hours ahead for an international flight when you fly during peak periods in general.
Eurowings is your gateway to discovering Lamezia Terme (and maybe even some other exciting parts of Italy!). Check out the direct flights from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport offered by this popular airline.
We make it a cinch to book a flight with a stopover. To see your options for flights from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport, uncheck 'Direct flights only.' Then, pick a flight offering a stop long enough to explore your chosen city. Popular stopovers between STR and SUF are:
Franz Josef Strauss Airport
Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport
Vienna International Airport
Before booking your cheap ticket from STR to SUF, check if you need a visa to enter Italy. Travel document and visa requirements may vary and are updated often. For the latest information, contact the nearest consulate or embassy of the country you're travelling to.
How to find the cheapest flights from Stuttgart Airport (STR) to Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF)
The lowest price we've found for a one-way ticket from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport is £74. For a return flight on this route, the best price is £140. Depending on the availability when you book, these fares can change.
To get cheap tickets from STR to SUF, reserve your trip 1 month before your departure date.
September is the cheapest month for tickets from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport. If you want to fly during a different time of year, the 'Whole month' tool will show you the lowest airfares for every month.
Getting a cheap ticket from STR to SUF couldn't be easier with Price Alerts. All you need to do is create one of these automatic alerts and we'll get in touch as soon as the price has fallen.
Use filters to tailor your flights from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport. Simply select your ideal arrival and departure times, number of stops and airlines. Alternatively, sort your results by 'Cheapest' to find the best deals.
Handy information about Stuttgart Airport (STR)
The journey from central Stuttgart to Stuttgart Airport takes approximately 53 minutes by public transport. If you ride-share, drive or take a cab, you'll cover the 10 miles in 21 minutes or so, depending on traffic.
Searching for a convenient hotel near STR? If you're catching an early flight from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport, these stays will have you sleeping moments from check-in:
Arriving at Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF)
Consider staying in a hotel close to SUF if you have a late flight from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport. Pick one of these accommodation options and avoid the hassle of a long transfer:
Getting from Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF) to central Lamezia Terme
From Lamezia Terme International Airport, Lamezia Terme is approximately 8 miles away. It takes around 20 minutes to get to the centre driving.
Getting to the centre by public transport will take you roughly 51 minutes.
When to fly to Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF)
The quietest month for a flight from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport is April, while August is the busiest. Choose the ideal time to visit Lamezia Terme based on whether you prefer a bustling atmosphere or a more laid-back vibe.
The warmest month in Lamezia Terme is August, with temperatures ranging between 18ºC and 32ºC. Lock in your flights from Stuttgart Airport to Lamezia Terme International Airport in this month if this is the kind of weather you like.
February has average temperatures of between 5ºC and 15ºC. Look for cheap tickets from STR to SUF sometime then if you want to travel in cooler conditions.
More about Lamezia Terme
As soon as you've locked in your flights from STR to SUF, you'll need to find a hotel in Lamezia Terme. Make one of these options your base for exploring this city:
Castello Normanno Svevo and Parco Mitoio are a couple of popular attractions to add to your Lamezia Terme travel itinerary. Continue your sightseeing adventures at Fontana Monumentale di Piazza Mazzini.
Complete your Lamezia Terme trip with hotels and a car rental
We don't just compare flights. Once you've booked your cheap ticket to Lamezia Terme International Airport, check out our car rental deals that'll give you the freedom and flexibility to travel around at your own pace. Next, take a look at our exclusive rates for hotels to find your ideal Lamezia Terme stay.